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A coffee saved is a home bought-Power of Compounding!

By madhu on July 15, 2016
How to multiply your savings!! If you start calculating how many hours you have to work to earn $100 after taxes, you’ll view your Foxtel bill or even a cup of coffee differently. Most people have a lot of debt and very little savings. Money just flows out of your pocket or account. The goal […]

How to multiply your savings!!


If you start calculating how many hours you have to work to earn $100 after taxes, you’ll view your Foxtel bill or even a cup of coffee differently.

Most people have a lot of debt and very little savings. Money just flows out of your pocket or account. The goal is just the opposite: You should save 15% of your pre-tax income via super contribution, and an additional 20%–25% of your post tax income.

This isn’t just for high income individuals, everyone can do it.

For example, just pack your lunch from home and reduce your coffee intake by just ONE $5 coffee and you will save $15 daily. That’s it? Wait…By saving $10 on lunch and a $5 overpriced coffee daily you’ll save $300 monthly. Keep going…. This amounts to $3600 annually! How cool is that?

Let’s keep the math simple and assume you save that $300 every month. If you save an additional $100 a month (that’s just another daily coffee), you’ll end up with nearly $5,000 annually. Big deal right? Not impressed? Imagine you earn a higher level of income, and multiple your savings amount by 10 to $4,000 a month. That’s $50,000 annually!

But if you invest the $5,000 saving for 20 years, it nearly doubles that is HUGE!! That is the power of Compounding. and this just a year's saving. Imagine what all your coffees can do.

A $5 coffee a day amounts to over a half million in 40 years.

What would you like to do next? Call to discuss your budgets over a cup of coffee!!!

Contact us now.


Article written by madhu

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